
23 years old, and trying to see the world.

I have recently graduated from studying a 4 year geology and geography degree at Keele University.

My degree involved a lot of travelling and environmental analysis, which I enjoyed. In my last year I travelled to 7 different places outside of university and I intend to keep travelling.

My favourite place so far has been Svalbard, this is because it was a very quiet place and there was plenty of wildlife and different landscapes to see. It is also becoming a focus for climate change.

My second favourite place would be Corfu, due to the greenness of the island.

Throughout my travels I have discovered I particularly enjoy photographing animals and landscapes and hope to become better at photography.

Some Quotes

without geography you’re nowhere.


in a changing world nothing changes more than geography

Pearl S Buck

once a year go somewhere you’ve never been before


all photographs used are my own content unless otherwise stated – please do not copy my images without permission.

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